Friday, July 26, 2024


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The Best Decoration Ideas For Your New Year’s Table

The new year is approaching… We are about to say goodbye at the end of 2020! We hope 2021 comes with even better news!

For those who are preparing to say ‘hello’ to 2021 with their loved ones at home in quarantine, we have brought together the new year-themed table layout ideas that will save lives at the last minute.

 You can prepare a perfect and different New Year’s table, and you can make your family happy with very cheap and natural methods. Pine cones, cinnamon sticks, rosemary branches, pine leaves are just a few of the materials you can use …

Napkin Solutions

To make your family and guests feel special, it is possible to add a fun touch to your table by determining the location of everyone in advance and preparing surprise name tags on the napkin holders while creating your table layout. Red, white and green tones will instantly transform the atmosphere of your table into the spirit of the new year.

You can use straw threads, rosemary sprigs and cinnamon sticks to tie your napkin. You can write the name tags in your own handwriting or print them.

Image Source: Getty Images

You can creatively use rosemary branches and pine cones as name cards.

When you place your homemade cinnamon cookies on the napkin holders, you will have impressed your guests from the first minute.

Image Source: CVLINENS


You can also use pine cones, Christmas lights, and any material that creates a white snow effect on the candles to emphasize the new year theme.

If you don’t have a candlestick in your home, you can turn your wine glasses upside down and put new year-themed trinkets or ambient-appropriate materials and place your candles on top of them.

It is possible to get a very romantic look by placing pine cones and Christmas lights inside the vases.

If your candles seem very ordinary to you, it is possible to get more sympathetic images by placing cinnamon shells around them and wrapping them with a red and white ribbon. It’s up to you to customize it even more.


Any red flower that you can easily find at any florist or street vendor will do. It will be extremely easy to bring the spirit of Christmas to your home and table by placing them in a few points of the house.

Personal Surprises

Of course, the best part of welcoming the new year is to give small surprise gifts that will make our loved ones happy. You can make your loved ones remember you at any moment in the New Year with a nice New Year agenda, a newly released book, a funny sock, or a nice pen.

Of course, the best part of receiving a gift is opening a package. It will look very stylish to prepare packages wrapped in craft paper, tied with wicker rope, and decorated with tiny branches.

And of course, don’t forget to wrap the cutest member of your home in the spirit of Christmas. 😁

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